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You can do a lot with server


This is the bit of the system where you view your information entered on site by logging on with your username and password.


Once the phone app is synced it gives each process a unique numerailcal number for identification.

All information is laid out in a clear and easy to read format that can be downloaded by pdf to be printed or saved where you require.


The info is viewable as soon as synced on site, almost real time tracebility.


Text alert contact numbers can be set for two people in case of Bacti or Pressure Test failures.


The server gives you the oportunity to add to filds such as scheme name, client etc, the next time the samrtphone is synced these are selectable.


For pressure testing the server selects important data such as logger details, pump size etc and adds them to a pressure test certificate produced at the psush of a button all in accoradnce with IGN 4 1 03 is the complete acoountability and traceability option for pipeline sites.

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